Saturday, October 11, 2014

Post #4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate?

Icons visually communicates through the observer by grabbing their interest and breaking down content. It also makes subjects less intimidating.

Via the internet, find 2 examples of common icons that clearly communicate their message. 

           Restroom Icon                                                       Smiley Face Icon


Post both in this entry and explain your choice.

Restroom icon shows an example on how icons communicate. It tells the observer that there is a restroom by catching people's attention. The Smiley Face Icon shows how icons make content less intimidating. If there is a Smiley Face icon on something, most people will think it is friendly.

What is the difference between copyright and public domain?

Copyright is an original work that is a government protected good. Icons are copyrighted and the company can charge whoever uses it if not given permission. Public domain is a work that is allowed to be accessed and used by anyone without publisher consent.

How can you avoid plagiarism in this class?  In other classes? 

To avoid plagiarism, you must source the work. In other classes do not copy people's material and cite work.

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