
Icons and Symbols

Top Left (Boy): This icon is used to indicate a boy. It is used to distinguish the difference between a boy and a girl. My favorite part about this icon is the hair.

Top Right (Yawning): This icon is used to show yawning. It can show sleepiness or tiredness. Furthermore, it can show the request of sleep. My favorite part about this symbol is that it makes me sleepy.

Bottom Left (Dog): This icon represents a dog symbol. It is used to show that dogs are allowed or that dogs are welcome. My favorite part of this is that the dog reminds me of my dog and that I could fix the proportions of the legs.

Bottom Right (Triad): This symbol is used to indicate three. It is used to show three groups of things, such as a group of three computers. My favorite part about this symbol is that it is simple.

Self Portrait

Artist Statement: The color scheme I used for this self portrait was the adjacent colors. It consists of light orange, light brown, and yellow. To complete this assignment, I used the blob paintbrush tool to sketch out my drawing. Then I used the pen tool to trace it under a draw layer. I used the polygon tool to start off the features of the face, such as the lips and nose. Furthermore, I used the fill tool and blend tool to color in my self portrait. My favorite part of the self portrait is the hair because I felt like it looks similar to my real life hair. My least favorite part is the nose because it looks unnatural. Lastly, if I did this again, I would redo this image by using more shapes to create the features of my face so it would look more realistic.

Fruit Portrait

Artist Statement: This fruit portrait used a variety of fruits in photoshop. It used lettuce, broccoli, lemons, oranges, watermelon, cucumber, grapes, peas, apples, watermelon, banana, plum, pineapples, beans, and corn. This required images from google images and required the transform tool with the magic wand tool to adjust the size and texture of the shapes of the portrait. Scaling and rotating was a huge part of the portrait as the sizes had to be proportionate. My favorite part of the portrait is that it looks like a person in the face. However, if i did this again, I would change the body to look less  like a thug.

Artist Statement: I picked Tender is the Night because Scott F. Fitzgerald is an author that I've read from before. I am intrigued by his work so I chose this book. My favorite part of this book cover is the background color as it depicts the  scenic tragedy in the novel. My least favorite part is that the picture is some what plain. If i were to redo this, i would make the scene more colorful but with a similar tragic image. My challenges with this was fitting everything and scaling the text to fit. I learned how to use photoshop to edit text and change images to fit.

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