Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Post #12

Define principles of design?

The ways artists use elements of art in a work

What do the principles of design affect?

Balance of the elements to make it feel more stable

What is the difference between the principles of design and C.R.A.P.? How can contrast help a design? 

The principle of design balances elements of the work while C.R.A.P. dis balances it. It creates a break of unity.

What is wrong with having too much or too little contrast in a design?

Too much balance and too little balance will put the design in an bad spot.

What is the key to working with contrast?.

The difference of the colors are obvious

What are some common ways of creating contrast?

Choose colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel

What is the principle of repetition?

Reusing key elements of a design 

Describe ways that the principle of repetition helps the composition?

Clarifies and strengthens the overall feeling and meaning of the design.

What are ways that you can incorporate repetition into your designs?  

You can add borders to add rhythm to the design

What should you avoid when working with repetition? 

Too much repetition of key elements 

What is the principle of alignment?  

Arrangement of text or graphic elements

What is the principle of proximity?  

Closeness of groups in the principles of design.

What is the principle of proportion?

Relationship between two or more elements in a design

Define symmetrical balance?

A mirror image to create balance

What is another name for asymmetrical balance? 


Define asymmetrical balance?  

Not identically balanced on both halves of a design

What is a focal point and how is it created?

The center of interest in the design. It is created using the principle of designs effectively.

How many components of a composition can be a focal point?

A few with some subordinate compositions.

What ways can emphasis be created in a design?

Effectively use the elements of design.

What is the principle of harmony and how is it different from unity?

Harmony brings emphasis on the relationship of all the elements of design while unity brings the elements into appropriate composition.

What is the principle of unity?
What three ways can unity be obtained?

Bringing the elements into appropriate composition. Strategic color, family of color, and one element.
 What is the principle of variety?

To change the character of an element to make it different through contrast.

What three ways can a designer add variety to a design?

Change color, size, and shape

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