Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Post #8

Why must designers pay close attention to how color is utilized within a composition?

Colors are used to attract a viewer's attention to their design. Furthermore, it gives off a tone and mood to the design and colors that are effectively used are able to be more unique.
Why is the color wheel an important tool for graphic designers?

The color wheel provides a variety of colors for the graphic designers to utilize to produce an effective design.

Find an example of neutral colors utilized within a design (hint: google poster design). Near the sample, discuss why you feel the designer included neutral colors within the composition.

The designer used neutral colors, such as black, to show the dark knight. The dark knight is effectively shown here to depict that the dark knight contrasts the warm colors to show a more fearful effect.

Briefly describe how we "see" the color of an object?

When light falls on an object, some of it is reflected or absorbed. Wavelengths of light that an object reflects gives the color of the object.

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