Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Post #15

Define typography?

The style and appearance of printed matter

What is the difference between font and a typeface?

Font is the size of a typeface while typeface describes the different type of design

What is the waist line and what does it indicate? 
What is a base line and what does it indicate?

Appropriate guideline that displays the appropriate position of upper boundary of the x-height.

What is counter?

Area that is enclosed by a letter or symbol

What is cap height?

Height of a capital letter above baseline

What is x height?

Height of lowercase letters

What is an ascender?

Rises above x-height

What is a descender?

Below baseline

Describe a serif?

A slight projection finishing as stroke or letter.

What is leading?

Space between line of type

What is tracking? 

Adjust space between groups of letters and blocks of text

What is kerning

Adjusting selective space between pair of words

What is a point? How many points are in an inch? 

A measurement in typography PostScript points

What is a pica and how many are in an inch?

Unit of typed size and line length; 12.

How many points are in a pica?

12 PostScripts

When was Blackletter invented and how was it used?

Around 1150 and used to encript scripts of text

Describe the characteristics of a Blackletter typeface?

Tight spacing and condensed lettering

When was Old Style invented and what was is based on?

1582; Civil Calender

Describe the characteristics of an Old Style typeface?

Thick and thin strokes

When were formal scripts developed?

Mid 1700s

When were casual scripts developed?

Late 1800s

Describe the characteristics of a Script typeface?

Varied and fluid stroke 

When was Modern typefaces developed and why?

1784 for printing page

Describe the characteristics of a Modern typeface?

High and abrupt contrast between thick and thin strokes

How early can Sans Serif typefaces be found? What happened? 

As early as 5th century B.C. Used in Greek inscriptions.

When did they become popular?

19th century to 20th century

What does "sans serif" mean?

Does not have small projectile feautures

Describe the characteristics of a Sans Serif typeface?

Little or no variation in thick and thin strokes

When was Slab Serif developed and why?

19th century during Industrial Revolution for manufacturer and mass production

Describe the characteristics of a Slab Serif typeface?

Minimual variation and heavy serifs

Describe Decorative typefaces?

Script fonts with exaggerated serifs 

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