Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Post #13

How can you as the designer use principles of design to help compose a page?

Visual consistencies on a page can effectively lead to movement, variety, and focus point on a page. These will attract viewers more and appeal to them more.

What are the principles of design (define each in your own words)?

Contrast:The use of color to extremely differentiate each other to show emphasis 
Repetition: The use of elements over and over 
Alignment: To bring text and design into comfortable size and shape 
Proximity: Effectively grouping elements

For each of the 4 principles of C.R.A.P., find an example that utilizes the principle within the design. You should have 4 DIFFERENT sample designs. For each, discuss how the particular principle is used.
 Two colors show the emphasizes the elements used.

Repetition of the square board creates an usable chess/checker board.
The alignment of these rectangles give a different form for the image.
The circles are spaced to give a new shape to the image.

Also, answer the following questions in your own words.
How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?

Go to the layers section and click on add layer mask.

What two colors are used to create the mask?

White and black.

Describe the process of using a layer mask?

The layer mask hides and unhides portions of the image.

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